press release

a statement prepared and distributed to the press by a public relations firm, governmental agency, etc.
Also called news release, release.
Examples from the web for press release
  • They have a press release here which is also where the image above is from.
  • If you want to send out a press release, write a draft first and include it with your email.
  • Yet last week's statistics were accompanied only by a low-key press release and almost no media coverage.
  • The true import of new research will not be known for years and will not come in the form of a press release.
  • And you can't read that press release and not come away thinking they're biased.
  • No word in the press release about which strategy works better.
  • The press release should have focused more on the sources of the cuts.
  • Probably reflecting the wording in the press release.
  • In the press release they're not clear about the curved line emanating to the right of the nucleus.
  • If you want the official news, you can read our press release.
British Dictionary definitions for press release

press release

an official announcement or account of a news item circulated to the press